Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Full Moon

Today I was inspired. I think that's big. Watching teenagers create art and seeing their view of the world is something not every career gets to experience. Being an art teacher means the world to me. It's a job that has humbled me to be a teenager again so that I can see their life and help them to appreciate it. I adore each sweet soul that sits in my classroom and find it an honor to teach them.

One of my students told me to look at the moon tonight. He inspired me to go out and take a picture.

My dad use to always say, "Loria, I love you to the moon and back." And I would always reply, "Well... I love YOU to the end of road and back." To a little girl, the road goes on forever and if you double it up by saying, 'and back' well that's a long way!

Today, I found joy in seeing a magnificent moon full of silvery light. It was in the hush of the night buried in the infinite black sky, that I heard this moon speaking to me... "I love YOU all the way to the moon and back."


  1. Yea! I had to check your blog this morning to see if you found joy yesterday! I'm glad to see that you enjoyed your day and felt inspired!

  2. and is not 3:30 am. It is 6:30. Not sure why my comments are posting as if I'm up that early!!
