Thursday, November 29, 2012

The joy I saw in Gianna's eyes

It was so nice to end the day with a birthday celebration with one of my favorite girls, Gianna. I will never forget when my dear friend, Beth, brought G to Colby’s 2nd birthday party. At that time, Beth had foster care of little two-year-old Gianna and one year old Audrey. Gianna had never been to a birthday party before and it was a whole new experience for her. I remember handing her a bucket filled with Thomas the Tank Engine party favors and she looked at me very confused, unsure of what to do. I looked to Beth with concern and thought to myself, ‘why does this kid not want all these amazing dollar store prizes and bubbles galore?!’ Beth whispered to me, “I don’t think she knows what to do because she’s never experienced this before.” 

It was true, Gianna had not celebrated many happy occasions in her life. She and her sister never experienced that special bond a mother has with her newborn baby or felt the protective presence of a loving father. Through lots of prayer and much love, Beth and Jim were able to adopt little G and Audrey.

Throughout the years, they have experienced the addition of 3 more Richardsons, making it a total of 7 little Richardsons. Every time we go over to their house, my children bask in the bright rays of happiness their children shine on my kids. They giggle and smile like children should. Sometimes I wish I were a Richardson kid! My Camden almost always will leave Gianna’s house with some sort of ‘party favor.’ Whether it’s a baby that looks like Gianna, orange flavored lipstick, a pageant sash, or a new tutu… it is always Gianna that will give anything to Camden. I always say, “No Gianna, those are your toys to enjoy…Camden has her own toys and I want you to enjoy these.” She will then look at me with a pitiful frown and say, “But I really want Camden to have these and I don’t play with them anymore!” Beth always insists, she wants her to have them. Camden now starts her pile of items she wants to give to ‘the girls.’

It just soothes my soul to see the joyful smile on her face when I know just a glimpse of what she experienced in those 2 short years. To see Jim sing happy birthday while bringing her a Paula Dean homemade birthday cake lit with Rupunzel candles and Beth snapping pictures like a mama should… I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I see a little girl living a life with siblings that adore her despite her flaws and parents that love her unconditionally through all the hurt and screams. How could I not feel or see the joy this child experienced tonight. With every present she opened, she squealed with surprise. I couldn’t stop smiling from the love in the room. Happy 6th Birthday Gianna! Thank you for letting me see your joy and giving me the best hugs tonight. Jesus loves this little girl and I can’t wait to celebrate another year of Gianna!